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Sopraano Aurora Marthens

Sopraano Aurora Marthens on nuoresta iästä huolimatta jo esiintynyt useiden kuorojen ja orkesterien kanssa laulaen solistiosuuksia muun muassa Vivaldin Gloriassa, Pergolesin Stabat Materissa ja Mozartin C-molli messussa, sekä esiintynyt Turun filharmonisen orkesterin Nuorten solistien konsertissa. Aurora Marthens on esiintynyt monissa Suomen kaupungeissa, Berliinissä, New Yorkissa, Pietarissa, Madridissa, Tallinnassa ja Tartossa. New Yorkissa Carnegie Hallin järjestämässä Young Talents -konsertissa hänen tulkintansa Mozartin aariasta ”Deh vieni, non tardar” sai kiitettävän vastaanoton.

Aurora Marthens on menestynyt myös kilpailuissa. Syksyllä 2015 hän voitti ensimmäisen palkinnon valtakunnallisen Helsinki-Lied kilpailun nuorten sarjassa yhdessä pianisti Elias Miettisen kanssa, ja kesällä 2017 hän voitti ensimmäisen palkinnon Savonlinnan oopperajuhlien järjestämässä arvostetussa Timo Mustakallio -laulukilpailussa. Helsingin Sanomien musiikkiarvostelija Hannu-Ilari Lampilan mukaan voittaja ei ollut yllätys. Hän kutsui Marthensia kolumnissaan ”ääni-ilmiöksi” (Helsingin Sanomat 17.7.2017).


Aurora Marthens is a young Finnish soprano who has acquired fame in the musical scene of Finland after winning the prestigious ’Timo Mustakallio’ song contest in 2017 as part of the Savonlinna Opera Festival.

Critics’ reviews stated that: ”Marthens is a vocal phenomenon. […] Her high register resounded in a diaphanous way” (Helsingin Sanomat, 17.7.2017). Regarding a recital at Tampere Hall, the critic said: “A brilliant vocal cannon […] Marthens’ powerful voice will take her straight to Wagner” (Aamulehti, 19.10.2017).

In relation to her concert at the Savonlinna Opera Festival, in July 2018, it was said: ”In Marthens’ voice there is a lot of strength and depth – the most delicate moments reach the whole audience. Her voice resonates very well in the quietest moments and the singer masters a very good vibrato, and her expressiveness is full of nuances” (Itä-Savo, 21.7.2018).

With respect to a concert with the Military Band of the Presidential Palace, the critic points out that ”Marthens is a lyrical soprano and in her voice we note a very rare freshness. She has, in addition, a notable dramatic capacity in her voice” (HBL 1.2.2018). And with regard to the presentation of Rossini’s Stabat Mater with the Tapiola Sinfonietta, the critic expressed that ”Aurora Marthens put the finishing touch to all the play with her fresh and naturally sonorous soprano voice” (HBL, 9.6.2018).

Marthens premiered in Finland in the chamber opera Rita, by Gaetano Donizetti. She has also played the roles of Pamina (The Magic Flute), Zerlina (Don Giovanni, Alexander’s Theater, Helsinki) and Susanna (Le nozze di Figaro), by Mozart; Taumännchen (Hänsel und Gretel, Sibelius Academy), by Engelbert Humperdinck, and the Red Fairy (Punainen haltija, Prinsessa Adalmina, Theater Productions), by Marko Autio.

In her repertoire there are numerous opera arias by Monteverdi, Rameau, Pergolesi, Gluck, Händel, Mozart, von Weber, Donizetti, Bellini, Gounoud, Charpentier, Massenet Nicolai and Bernstein, as well as complete sacred works by Vivaldi, Bach, Pergolesi. Mozart, Rossini, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Kyllönen and Långbacka. Aurora Marthens has interpreted a wide repertoire of vocal works and lieder by Monteverdi, Händel, Schubert, Clara Schumann, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Grieg, Debussy, Wolff, R. Strauss, Ibert, Sibelius, Walton, Copland and Weill, as well as others Finnish composers such as Merikanto, Kuula, Melartin, Kilpinen, Kyllönen, Niemi and Gustavson.

Aurora Marthens has performed in different cities in Finland, in Berlin, New York, St. Petersburg, Madrid, Tallinn and Tarto. She has performed as a soloist with the Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, Tapiola Sinfonietta, Jyväskylä Sinfonia, the Philharmonic of Savonlinna and the Guards Band of the Presidential Palace, among others.


Kotisivut: http://auroramarthens.com/



